
About This Blog

The purpose of this blog is to share information about trails mainly along the Wasatch Front in Utah, although there are plenty of posts on out-of-area hikes as well. We love to hike, but have sometimes found it difficult to find good easily accessible information on local hikes online, so we have created this blog. I thought that this information would also be useful for others looking for good trails to use. All copyrights are reserved, but feel free to use this information to plan your own adventures and outings.

Use the labels to find hikes in a certain area or to find hikes at the level of difficulty you are looking for. Hikes are rated based on length, elevation change, and the trail condition (for example, hiking through deep sand takes more effort than hiking on a packed dirt trail). Note that a technical label is for anything that involves some rock climbing or scrambling obstacle. Or, look under the "Trail Finder Index" for a list of hikes in a given area. You can also try searching the blog for something specific. If you go on a hike and have other pertinent additional information you would like to share about it, feel free to leave a comment about it in the comments section of the post. To see where a trail is located on a map, click on the location link at the bottom of the post to see the approximate trail head location on Google Maps.