
July 09, 2015

Fantasy Canyon

The Trail
This easy trail is only about 0.6 mile round trip with only about a 90 foot elevation change. This canyon if full of intricate and wild rock forms. Some of these delicate structures have been given names based on things they resemble, but it is also a fun place to use your imagination to find additional shapes and objects hidden among the crazy and ever changing rocks.

Topographical Map

Graph of Elevation

Trail in Google Earth

While there are signs warning visitor's to stay on the trail, we found the trail to be a little difficult to follow in places. Our own path didn't end up quite matching the trail maps at the beginning of the trail or found online here. That being said, staying on the trail as much as possible is important, and staying off the delicate rock formations is particularly necessary since they are fragile and will break easily. Please note that the trail information above follows the route shown on the map from the north most point, down around the first loop, then east and down over to the second loop, and then back up to the southern point at the parking area.





The map linked to above also shows where the various rock forms along the canyon are located. Additionally, metal stakes mark these forms along the trail. However, some of them were more obvious than others. While we found a number of them, we were unable to see others.

Here you can see the metal stakes at the canyon's base marking rock forms

This trail starts from a large dirt parking lot. There is a vault toilet available here and a picnic bench next to a map of the trail, but nothing else. There is little to no shade in this area.

This trail is located in Uintah County near Vernal, Utah. It is actually out in the middle of "nowhere" and takes awhile to get to. From Vernal, travel east on US-40, following it around as it curves south, and then turn right onto to US-45. Continue south/south-east on US-45 for about 20.3 miles, and then turn right onto Glen Bench Rd. Continue along Glen Bench Rd. for about 12.8 miles (and watch out for prairie dogs along the road through here), and then turn left/east onto Coyote Washinton Rd. This is a dirt road, and there are lots of turn offs from it along the way, but if you continue to follow it for about 4 to 4.5 miles, you will come to Fantasy Canyon. Signs along the way will further direct you there.

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